Last week, Scoil Pól, Kilfinane had an action packed Acceptance Week. The week was used to highlight and celebrate the diverse community there is within Scoil Pól.
Staff and students participated in many activities and had various guest speakers throughout the week. Both staff and students were invited to pin on a world map the country from which they come from and the countries where they have family. It is fair to say that Scoil Pól has links far and wide across the globe.
A solidarity wall was set up, where Transition Year students wrote messages of positivity for the entire Scoil Pól community to read. The theme of the solidarity wall was #COMEIN.
A colours day was held on Thursday. All went to great effort to dress up in the colours of the rainbow, with the corridors a sea of colour all day.
Students in Scoil Pól were treated to amazing guest speakers throughout the week. The week kicked off with Steven Casey, who spoke to students about his experience in school and challenged students to see beyond disability and to see the talent, ability and personality of each person.
The sixth years had an inspirational talk from Robbie Lawlor. Robbie Lawlor is the co-founder of Access To Medicines Ireland, and a HIV advocate for Act Up Dublin. He is former Mr. Gay Ireland and is living with HIV. He spoke openly about his experiences of coming out and his HIV diagnosis. Robbie aims to break the stigma around HIV in Ireland and encouraged the students to become “sounder” people and to look out for each other.
Then, on Friday, there was a talk from Eric Ehghie. Eric is a Corporate Law student at NUIG, a YouTuber and podcaster. He is also political coordinator of the Black and Irish group. Black and Irish is a social media platform which highlights and celebrates the struggles and successes of the black and mixed race Irish community. Again, Eric spoke about the importance of being kind and supporting each other. Students were encouraged to stand up for each other and challenged to stand up to racist behaviour.
Staff and students pledged to tackle bullying behaviour and pledged to actively encourage inclusion for all. The student leadership groups participated in a workshop, facilitated by Jessica Curtin from GOSHH. Respectful communication was the theme.
The star of the week had to be eleven year old Pádraig O’Callaghan from Knockainey. Pádraig recently won the positive attitude category in the LIFT Irish Leadership Awards and he spoke to students about the success of his Monday Motivation ‘Paudcast’, and then went on to beat sixth year students in a game of soccer. Pádraig has achieved so much and we look forward to hearing of his continued successes going forward.
The overwhelming theme throughout the week was that the only label that should exist is the label human and that all people should be treated with love, compassion, kindness and respect. Well done to all involved.
“In a world where you can be anything, be kind”.
See original article here